Sunday, July 1, 2007

One HOT swim meet!

(This is the first posting of a new website for our RST pictures. Hope you enjoy this new blog site! You can click on the pictures to see an enlargment of it. If you have pictures you'd like for me to include in blog postings, feel free to e-mail them to me at Thanks!)

7-1-07: This was one HOT swim meet! A swim meet where NO TOWELS were needed on either day! Co-hosted by RST and the Hemet team, at Hemet's long course pool. Kudos to all the hard workers who worked both days, LONG days. We had to rent a U-haul to bring our 3 huge grills and all of shade, EZ-ups, tables, computers, etc. I wish I had taken more pictures of the set-up and tear-down, but we were busy!

Since we were co-hosts, many of us were working so I didn't get to shoot my usual swimming pictures but here are some candids I tried to shoot with my small camera. I tried to focus on some of these hard workers who make it all happen. Be sure to thank them the next time you see them!

Can you imagine most of these girls didn't use their towels at all? And as far as I know, none of them took their swim caps off the whole time. I don't know how they kept their brains from roasting! My head was hot underneath a soaking wet tan baseball cap!

We had the luxury of having 4 or 5 EZ-ups for our team, but man, I think it was stifling hot under there so I think most of the kids kept cool in other shade or in the warm-up lane.

Selling tickets can be hot business, so they found a way to create their own misting fan. McGyver would've been proud!

Command central, under all of our nice shade. RST hauled most of what you see here--all the computers, printers, etc. Way to go!

Parents did a variety of jobs, such as "running" and updating the Results Book. Here, one of our stylish parents isn't bothered by the heat in the least!

Camille concentrates intently on the laptop screen as she inputs the swimmer data for the postings. Awesome job!

Nina confers with one of the refs on something of great importance, I'm sure!

Summer cools off her teammates with her frozen water bottle.

You may have recognized his voice at the Yucaipa meets in the, Justin not only does announcing for RST, but also sings karaoke with Eddie or whoever else will join him on the microphone. Now if we can just get him to pronounce "sa BANG an" correctly!!! Ha!!!

Coaches Audy, Vicky, Matt, and Head Coach Chuck kept a close eye on the kids, making sure they didn't get too hot.

Board President Neal gives his 2-thumbs-up of approval to a well-deserved nap Eddie is taking. He worked some long hours for this meet!

And like I said earlier, I wish I had taken more pictures of all the volunteers who helped to set-up, run the meet, and then the least favorite part of all, clean-up and tear down. There was a good group of people--including a good number of our new Yucaipa transfers--who were there helping to pack it all up.

Hats off to all the swimmers who survived one hot meet, and to all the parents who helped to put on this meet with Team Hemet! And most of all, great job to Meet Director Dwayne for keeping a cool head running this whole show! (Must be that big straw hat he wears. ;-)

Father of Summer

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