Monday, October 29, 2007

Awards Banquet

Oct., 2007. We recently held our annual Awards Banquet at the end of the summer swim sweason. The following are pictures from our banquet. Congrats to all the awardees and all the best to the start of the Winter Season!
Standing room only for over 300 people!

Kudo's to Kim Pepper for organizing the Award's Banquet. She put in a LOT of work on this event!

Lots of yummy food served by hard-working volunteer parents.

Everyone had fun socializing with teammates in clothes other than swimsuits!

Where the big kids hung out...

Some of the first awardees were given to parents who have volunteered above and beyond the call of duty...though I don't know why that one guy was included! LOL!

Plenty of swimmers were given all kinds of awards. I'm sorry I don't have all the info here in front of me, so I can't put captions on all of the pictures. But these are the various swim groups being given various awards like "Most Inspirational", "Ironman/woman", "Most Outstanding", etc. and various other awards.

These swimmers were especially recognized for the records that they set this year.

Just about all the swimmers there rec'd some sort of swimming swag. You may see them wearing some of it on the pool deck now! Another perk for attending the Awards Banquet.

The senior swimmers were especially recognized...
As was the tradition, the seniors were allowed to say a few words about their experience on the team, and especially about Head Coach Chuck.

The coaches weren't forgotten, either. One of their prizes were these cool personalized chairs!

We closed the night with ice cream treats for all. Good night and all the best to the Winter Warriors!

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